2008年3月3日 星期一


Dak Tsui Go

[Dak Tsui Go]

我盼望在這個專題中能夠和大家分享一些比較個人的經歷與心路歷程。也盼望能夠與大家有些網路上的互動。因此將此專題稱為 鬥嘴鼓


從美國回來的施能健學長為我們設計了一個網站 http://www.daiwan.com/cc68/index.html)
phpBB Forum .(http://www.daiwan.com/cc68phpbb/index.php)


6 則留言:

  1. 草戊尚土 牧師,平安:

    關於今天的講道『帶門徒』,可否幫忙說明『基督徒』、『教徒』、『信徒』、『門徒』、『使徒』之間的差異?這之間需要如何認定呢?須付出何種代價?另外 disciplee, discipler 在 discipline 上面是否有差異?在佛教上強調的『拜師』與『守戒』是否也有點相似呢?

    覺得要當個門徒並不容易的 卯同學 上

  2. Dear 卯
    First of all, good questions. My personal opinions were as follows, only for your reference,

    Christian, small Christ, those who would follow Christ's example in their lives. The first time this name was used was record in the Bible, Acts 11:26. At first, it might be with some sarcastic and derogatory sense. But Christians seemed to accept this name without any protest.

    Religionist,this name was used to describe those who went through some initation ritual to become the believer of a institutionalized religion, not necessary Christian.

    Disciple, this name was used by the scripture to describe those called by Jesus Christ to be His followers, and those who later were also called by Christ's first generation disciples to become second generation and so on...

    Apostle, this at first was specifically reserved for the original twelve disciples whom Jesus designated as apostle. The meaning of apostle was the one being sent as delegate of a sovereign ruler. Another similar word was ambassador (2 Cor 5:20). Later on, those who was sent by church to initiate a new church in a new frontier was also called apostle (such as apostle Paul and some others, Rom 16:7)

    I believed that God would deal with discipler more strict than disciplee. As this would be fair on the principle of proportionate justice (Luke 12:48). Another warning came at James 3:1.

    Thank you very much for providing this information concerning Accountability to me. I wonder how come the Chinese translation of accountability was 當責? Anyway, I could not find a better translation yet. Thanks and God bless...

  3. Dear Anonymous, Peng An,
    Thank you very much for your comment and further information concerning Manet.

    I would agree with you that "The luncheon on the grass" was not accepted by the current art authority as well as general population because its theme was considered as immoral or unethical. Only later on, this drawing was recongnized as a breaking through from realism to impressionism.

    I believed that all pioneering and breaking through creation would face similar fate because the general population always came late in timing. Sometimes the recognition would only came too late, posthumously.....

  4. Dear 草戊尚土 牧師:



    卯同學 敬上

  5. 蔡牧師,平安:



    卯同學 敬上

  6. 主日聽到牧師講禱告會的時候,很想參加,其實我很早就想參加,可是不知怎樣才能辦得到?因為距離,還有小孩...小組姐妹們曾提過主日下午相聚一起禱告,可是後來不了了之,最近才有一次,週間早上去找育芬一起禱告,因為我們住家距離不遠,早上時間小孩都去上學,所以卯兄所提的網路禱告網,似乎不錯,在那之前如果教會中能有屬靈同伴,或許也能解某些人的燃眉之急--指的是我自己.
