2008年4月25日 星期五

小紅紙張貼位置調整 (4)


敬愛的讀者 平安

我本來以為我個人年輕時的故事大概沒什麼人會有興趣來看 想不到在上傳第四篇之後馬上收到接近三十個回應 讓我大吃一驚

這些回應大多數是給我鼓勵的 也有一些是對於我貼上的佈告欄比較有興趣 那張貼有小紅紙的佈告欄相片到底是怎麼來的 也引起一番的探索與討論 我也在回應欄中作了個人的說明與表白

昨天很訝異的收到 JC傳來的回應 他居然找到我所借用的佈告欄原版照片 並且建議我那張小紅紙不應該貼在角角 這樣不容易看清楚 他把那張小紅紙就這樣轉貼到中央較明顯的位置 我很高興他有如此的建議 因為這張看起來不怎麼樣的小紅紙現在已經是大家所關心的對象了 因此 我就遵照他的建議 把這張小紅紙轉貼到較中央的位置 並且把它張貼於其右邊與下邊兩張廣告的下層 再加上一些相關的陰影 如此看起來就更逼真

謝謝 JC 的建議 願上帝祝福您

7 則留言:

  1. Dear Pastor Tsai, Peng-An,

    I felt compelled to let you know who "JC 兄" is.

    We've been telling our 14-year-old daughter "JC" your stories. (She reads and writes in English and therefore does not usually surf Chinese web pages.) As I showed her the old version of your composite bulletin picture, she had the idea of making you a more real-looking one to go with your story. So she found the photo through google search and played around using photoshop. She is happy that you like her idea and that you took time to give some feedback.

    At times like these, when parents don't know what to say to their teenage kid, your stories have provided great topics to talk about. Thank you for sharing these wonderful articles.

  2. Dear Chen,
    Thank you very much for this sharing. Your daughter must be very
    professional using the photoshop software.

    I loved her creativity and imagination to move that red paper to the center of the bulletin board.

    BTW, your family seemed to live in English speaking areas of the world.

    May be someday we have chance to meet one another.

    Cybercommunication is a wonderful world, which could bring people from far away to get to know one another and to share their ideas, feelings, stories,.....

    God bless you and your family.

    Maotang & Shinjen at HoPing Church

  3. 來自好遠的回應,上帝的作為真奇妙 :)

  4. DEAR蔡牧師:每次收到和平電子報,我第一個最期待的內容就是您的故事。您在字裡行間,真誠、勇敢地向大家分享您年輕時候的故事,非常的感人,謝謝您!huiyu敬上

  5. 小紅紙的下文成謎,看來牧師要吊大家胃口。因為屢等不到謎底,無聊之下吹毛求疵。這個布告欄所在位置是台大校總區外籍生聚集之處,君不見佈告,廣告,演講公告大多是英文?醫七的學生早已回到徐州路醫學院,不會經過這裡哦!


  6. Dear ChinJung, Peng An,
    Good eyesight and good logical analysis as well as a sense of humor all reveal from your short and sharp comment.

    Sorry for my tardiness in continuing with my story. Currently my pace would be to finish one section per two to three weeks, depending upon my church ministry entanglements. Thanks to all of you for your patience and forbearance.

  7. Dear 蔡牧師,
