2008年5月11日 星期日

眼睛的故事 (7) 德布列德

上次提出奧坎波的 "將軍的家庭" (General's Family) 之後,引起一些兄姐的興趣與討論。其中卯先生的回應最有意思。

我們在心理學有一種方法,叫做 “投射測驗” (Projective Test),最主要就是使用一些圖片,來讓受測者自由聯想。受測者如果能夠毫無考慮的將自己看到這張圖畫的第一印象就表達出來,往往能夠讓自己潛意識的一些衝突與矛盾藉此浮現到意識的層面,對於自我認識是一個很有用的方法。



1. 整張圖是將軍本人的側面大頭照肖像。

2. 將軍的眼睛、鼻子、面頰、與鬍鬚是一位老態龍鍾拿著拐杖的老人家,可能是將軍的老父親 。

3.& 4. 將軍的耳朵以及白衣領及肩章彩帶是一位抱著幼兒的婦女,可能是將軍夫人抱著幼兒倚閭 盼夫歸。


6. & 7. 左上角的牆上柱頭與上面站立的一隻小鳥,還有拱門上的雜草,似乎也勾勒出兩個孩童的側面。上面一個以那隻站在柱頭的小鳥做為其額頭與鼻子,眼睛則是另外一隻遠處的飛鳥,他的頭是呈30度向左上仰望。第二位孩童則在第一位孩童的直下方,以牆上柱頭為其側面,其眼睛則由拱門上的雜草構成,他的視角似乎是朝左下方30度凝視。這兩位可能是將軍的另兩位孩子。

8. & 9.& 10. 最後三位出現在左邊兩個牆上柱頭之間。以四隻遙遠的飛鳥作為他們的眼睛與鼻嘴,以柱頭的側邊作為其臉的輪廓。這三位孩童的臉是重疊的。你可以看到一位 (8.) 的臉是與 (7.) 的臉相對望。 (9.) 的臉則朝向左邊。 (10.) 的臉則是與 (8.) (9.) 的臉重疊,而且是正面向你凝視著,為了區別,我改用黃色圈出 (10.) 正面臉的位置。 這是將軍的另外三個子女吧!



德布列德 (Sandro Del-Prete, 1937- )

瑞士的畫家德布列德善長利用兩度空間的圖畫,來畫出在我們的大腦中既有的三度空間是不可能存在的矛盾影像。他稱此為視錯覺主義 (Illusorism)。

下面這張圖稱為 “窗內凝視 (Window Gazing)”,乍看之下,這是一對姐弟靠著窗戶向外面凝視的簡單圖畫。可是如果你再詳細一看,你會發現這是一個沒有辦法蓋成功的窗戶。因為姐姐與弟弟的凝視方向是呈九十度相對的。這扇窗的上半部是姐姐朝圖的右前方凝視,這扇窗的下半部則是弟弟朝圖的左前方眺望。你如果在這扇窗的上下之間移動你的視線,是否會有點而頭昏呢?

最下面那張圖稱為 “Belvedere II旋樓梯 (The spiral stairway to Belvedere II)”。請有興趣的讀者詳細研究一下,再回應告訴我這張圖有什麼問題。

8 則留言:

  1. 不論「窗內凝視」或「旋轉樓梯」,畫家樂此不疲鑽研,觀賞者要說清楚卻不容易。


    日本畫家安野光雅在「Anno's Alphabet」和另一關於日文五十音這兩本字母書裡,刻意畫扭轉木材字形,讓原來平面的字母看起來有奇特的空間。



  2. Dear Spring, Peng An,
    Thank you very much for your very detailed and professional comments.

    The phenomena of visual illusion all came because we were born with some very basc presupposition, such as the existence of three dimension reality. This presumption would help our visual cortex to form a three dimension image based on the neural impulses caming from our concave two dimensional retina.

    So all of our visual phenomena was the imaginative creation of our visual cortex, and most of the time, our brain worked very fine, and created an vivid three dimensional image corresponding very well to the outside three dimensional reality. Some would say that this was a result of long evolutional process, but some would say that this was due to the special gift granted us by our Creator God.

    Due to the creativity of these artists, they tried very hard to challenge our three dimensional presumption, and the result was what we had now, those very interesting, stimulating, inspiring, and dizziness-causing pictures......

    Relax and have some fun...

  3. 這個眼睛的故事說到這裡好好玩唷。那個將軍的家庭也太妙了吧。

    Belvedere II旋樓梯也是很妙,爬梯子的那兩個人跟高台是一個平面,拿杆子的那兩個人跟樓梯也是一個平面。




  4. According to what you said:
    My first impression was--is he having a heart attack (or angina)? The dog (his palm) seems to grab his chest so tightly.

    Am I under a lot of pressure :)

  5. I wonder if a two-year-old or a five-year-old would have the same visual illusion we have looking at these pictures.

    A few days ago I happened to watch a program on the Discovery channel, which talked about human vision. They mentioned a man who lost his eyesight in an accidental chemical explosion when he was less than 3 years old. Later he undertook a corneal transplantation at his forties. When he regained his eyesight, the big surprise was that he could not "see" as we normally do. For example, he would look at the edge of the curb, but does not have a clue that there is a difference of several inches between the sidewalk level and the road level. The researchers think that this is because he had lost the opportunity for his visual cortex to "learn to see" when he lost his eyesight at such an early stage. Maybe we are not born with the ability to visually perceive or discern the three dimensional reality?

  6. Dear Bear, Peng An,
    Thanks for your sharing. Yeah, it was interesting that you saw the fingers of the general as clutching over his forechest tightly, which might signal that he might suffering from some chest pain....

    Very interesting observation and revelation of your own inner world. While reading at Mr. Mou's sharing, then it revealed a very creative and imaginative inner world to us....

    Dear Soil Mouth Cloth,
    What you described is so called absolute relativism. If absolute relativism was taken as a truth, then it would kill its own presumption. If absolute relativism was not taken as a truth, then there is possibility of the existence of TRUTH, and all explanation or homiletic of that TRUTH could be judged by this TRUTH....

    Dear MYC, Peng An,
    I had also read your report. Since this was one case report, we would need to wait for more observations before we could make any conclusive theory about human vision.
    Personally I believed that our brain was plastic, which meant our neuroanatomy and environmental stimulation would interact to form the development of our brain and its future function.
    The relationship between human brain and human mind was a very intriguing and mysterious issue which attracted and plagued many scholars of many various academic fields....
    Thanks for your comment and sharing. God bless you....

  7. Dear MYC,

    There are some psychology researches about human depth perception developement. According to those researches, we know that generally new born babies under two months old are not aware of "depth" yet, but babies at about 6.5 months do perceive depth. To develope depth perception, one catches "kinetic cues" (we perceive objects different in size, when the object is moving toward us, the object we see would become bigger.)

    You can find these discussions by typing "visual cliff, kinetic cue" in the google search bar. :)

  8. http://www.wretch.cc/album/show.php?i=fjumonkey&b=29&f=o1135929252.jpg&p=1

    Take a look of the fjumonkey comic. In the 3rd and 4th square explains well the "kinetic cues".

    You can find also "size constancy" in the google.

    Everybody have fun. ^0^
